About Us

Welcome to our new website! Here is some information about us:
First of all, people like to call me “Seemore Better” because that’s what I can do for you!
I’m a licensed optician in North Carolina and founder of Free Prescription Lenses.
I want to bring to you the full experience of how your prescription eyewear is made and how your Rx lenses will correct the vision problems you are having. I am passionate about what I do and operate under the premise that everyone loves a bargain, and no one is disappointed with quality.
As an authorized dealer I am required to sell the frames at a certain price. Failure to comply by the rules means that I jeopardize the designers pulling their accounts from me. What I can do to lower prices is offer free prescription single vision CLEAR lenses ( Or non Rx fashion lenses) to anyone who purchases a genuine authentic frame. If you have a very strong Rx that falls out of the free category, then you only pay MY cost on your lenses.
If you require a bifocal, the traditional line style or the no line invisible progressive lens, you will still get it at MY cost! You will only have to pay for the add-ons that you want such as Transitions (photochromic lenses), and/or an anti-glare coating that reduces glare when driving at night, especially in the rain as well as street lights, stop lights, computers, overhead, and fluorescent lights.
Upon request, I can provide an itemized receipt with the necessary “V-codes” so that you can be reimbursed by your insurance company for any unused vision benefits. You can also use the receipt for reimbursements from health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts. If you have a flex-card or a health savings account cart, you can use them at check-out!
I cut all of the lenses that leave my shop in North Carolina. I offer you the option of having a personalized video recording of your lenses being cut to fit your frame. The video is uploaded to the Youtube channel. You can see videos on the channel by clicking here! I try to make these recordings fun and entertaining. I happen to love what I do, which is why I get silly in some of my videos. I take my work very seriously, just not myself.